Other Variations of Poker
Here are some basic variations on the game of poker.
7-card Stud-a variation on poker.
3 to 5 players can play this game. The initial deal is two cards down and one card up to each player. The first betting round starts with the highest hand showing or for the first round the high card. Then another card is dealt up and another betting round this is repeated until there are four cards face up. Then a final card is dealt down and a final betting round held.
The ranking of the hands are the same as regular poker except to take the five best cards out of the ones you are dealt. Variations on the game is to allow wild cards and a five of a kind. This is personally my favorite kind of poker.
5-card Stud-another variation on poker.
This is played much like 7-card stud only with 5-cards. The intial deal can vary in this game and depends on how your group wants to play. 5 card stud is usually dealt either 2 down, 3 up, or 1 down, 4 up, or 1 down, 3 up, 1 down. Once again it is played exactly like 7-card stud with betting rounds held when each new card is put down. Variations can be the use of wild cards and the rank of hands are the standard one in poker.
Chicago-another variation on poker.
This game is exactly like 7-card stud except that the high spade in the hole splits the spot. The ranking of the hands are standard poker with the best five cards being used. Wild cards and five of a kind is the variations. I'm not thrilled about this variation because you can have a great hand and still have to split the pot with a goof that got lucky to get the ace of spades.
Indian Poker-Shouldn't even be called a variation on poker but it is.
However this game is a riot to play. 2-10 players can play this game. The initial deal is one card to each player, with a fine (usually $1) and the player is out if he looks at his own card. This is how you play the game: Each player holds his card up so that everyone else can see it. Then starting with the player to the left of the dealer, betting begins.
Once the betting is down with, each player looks at his card and the winner takes his pot. The deal then rotates to the left. The game continues for one deck. This is basically a who has the highest card game, but not knowing what your card is can drive you crazy, especially if there is no limit to the pot. High Card rules in this game Ace high, two Low. This game is fun to play and is the ultimate in bluffing. Try keeping a straight face when your friend continues to raise while he is holding a 2 of clubs.
Lowball-variation on poker.
3-7 players. Intial deal is five cards to each player. The game is exactly like five card draw except you are trying to get the worst hand. The rank of the hands are the same as standard version of poker except that the lowest hand wins. This is a good game to break up the monotony of regular poker.
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