Online Gambling and US Legislation
In October 2006, the US Government passed the Safe Ports act which encompassed a separate section for Unlawful Internet Gambling.
Since this event, many reputable companies have made the decision to abide by the new legislation and as such have stopped all business with US state citizens.
This new legislation doesn't explicitly ban online gambling, it simply makes the financial institutions responsible for preventing transactions relating to online gambling.
Originally the market has been split into 2 camps, those who stopped business with all US citizens, and those who stopped business with citizens residing in 11 US States. The States which were originally still included in some casinos were; Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington, Indiana, Nevada, Oregon, Louisiana, South Dakota, New York, New Jersery.
See map below:
From about the middle of 2008, the industry changed again into just 2 parties, those who took bets and those who didn't. In an effort to retain legality, most publically held companies that are legitimate businesses on stock exchanges, made the decision to withdraw from USA completely.
We have updated this website with 2 icons to provide you with information about an online casinos status.
- online casinos where US players are still accepted
- online casinos where US players are no longer accepted
Where can you still Play Online Casino Games in the USA?
Where can you still Play OnlinePoker?
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Jackpot Party

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From Humble Beginnings to Building an Empire the story of Michele Ferrero
Born in 1925 Michele Ferrero grew up in Dogliani in Piedmont (Piemonte) a north western region of Italy. After the war his father Pietro Ferrero opened a laboratory with his brother Giovanni who was a master confectioner. It was in this laboratory that the two brothers first developed the now more »